Wednesday, 19 August 2015

An Expression Of Any Given Moment

Regardless of which type of cards you are using they tend to reveal the energy and mood that is surrounding you and gives insight into yourself along with those surrounding you which in turn opens you to choices. 

Card reading not only bring fresh insight into making choices, and allows you to develop trust in your instincts and intuition, but it also opens up new horizons in relationships, career issues and personal fulfilment.  By tapping into the energy of the moment, you are literally tapping your own psyche.  It can also bring you closer to the spiritual and psychic side of your nature.

Protection From Negative Energies

People, animals etc.  give of energy both  positive and negative. It is important we learn how to filter out/expel energy from our personal space. People use various methods for protection, I like the  “Diamond  Dome” mediation the  best.

Imagine yourself under a clear diamond dome filled with white light positive energy. All negative  energies cannot enter  through your dome. Release negative energy surrounded by white light from within your dome.

Energies affect us more than we realize. Keeping you spirit positive, balanced and away from negativity allows positive energy and messages to present themselves!!

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Are we responsible for our own energies?

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Are we responsible for our own energies?: Often we give so much energy out to others, either helping, offering a listening ear, or sharing our problems with others, we do not ta...

Are we responsible for our own energies?

Often we give so much energy out to others, either helping, offering a listening ear, or sharing our problems with others, we do not take care of our own energies and often can feel depleted, tired, tearful, withdrawn and feel at times it is an upwards struggle and battling against the odds, or that that the same things always seem to happen to us.
Is now the time to make some changes and put you first?  Just like a car needs diesel and maintenance to continue its journey and make sure it’s in good condition.  I feel we too need to revisit and revitalise, rejuvenate our energies and take stock of what is going on within our lives.

Does the situation seem familiar to you?

Now is the time to invest in you, Yes You!!

You are the most important part in all aspects of this, the relationship, the situation that encompasses you and how you choose to react to it may change things positively.
So how do you invest in yourself, it’s not about monetary aspects, it’s about time for you, respect for you, caring and taking the time to get to know and appreciate yourself, and KNOW that you are IMPORTANT.   Your life does not depend upon the decision of others it depends upon you, does it not?  How you choose to react to things, how you choose to respond, how you choose to be treated and respected.

This all comes from within and this is where it starts.

So even a few minutes per day re-evaluating whom you are, not as others see or view you, whom you are as a person from the inside, sending love and respect to yourself, which can be one of the hardest things to do, if you do it with integrity and lovingly to yourself it could alter things within your life. 

Are you prepared to try? The hardest point is in the starting.
We all make excuses and say we don’t have the time, but is this the time to invest in you, your future, remember the saying,
Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.
Learn from the past, Plan for the future, Live for Today’


Tuesday, 18 August 2015


ABC OF A FRIEND A Friend....

(A)ccepts you as you are (B)elieves in "you" (C)alls you just to say "HI" (D)oesn't give up on you (E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts) (F)orgives your mistakes (G)ives unconditionally (H)elps you (I)nvites you over (J)ust "be" with you (K)eeps you close at heart (L)oves you for who you are (M)akes a difference in your life (N)ever Judges (O)ffers support (P)icks you up (Q)uiets your fears (R)aises your spirits (S)ays nice things about you (T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it (U)nderstands you (V)alues you (W)alks beside you (X)-plains things you don't understand (Y)ells when you won't listen and (Z)aps you back to reality.

To Care - Poem From Manda







Thursday, 30 July 2015

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Blue moon. You saw me standing alone

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Blue moon. You saw me standing alone: "And then there suddenly appeared before me The only one my arms will ever hold I heard somebody whisper please adore me A...

Blue moon. You saw me standing alone

"And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the moon had turned to gold "

Friday 31st is a Blue Moon. This simply means it the second full moon in the same month. It is a moon shrouded in mystery, magic and folklore, perhaps because it only appears once every 2.7 years.

The very term “blue moon” is over 400 years old when Shakespeare first wrote the words “blue moon” to mean rare or absurd. The rarity of a full moon appearing twice in one month, or a third full moon appearing in an astronomical season with four full moons versus the normal three, must have inspired the great playwright to coin the term.

In some cultures, the blue moon was considered the trickster moon. The faker, not the real full moon, but a mysterious doppelganger. In other cultures the blue moon was considered fortunate, something to celebrate, and a perfect time to start a long-term goal or make plans for the future.

There are many superstitions and tales through the ages regarding this rare moon occurrence.

There is an old Eskimo legend. In the tale, the Sun is a woman, draped in golden light. She is optimistic and creative and warms the earth with her powerful glow. She brings life to the earth and is loved and revered by many stars and planets in the sky.
The moon was a man, passionate, dark, and handsome. He hid in the shadows admiring the sun from a distance. It was a time when the moon had no light, but just watched and waited in dark shadows of sky and worshiped the sun from afar.
Then one day as lady Sun was putting on a brilliant set of morning clothes, she felt she was being watched. She looked around and noticed the handsome moon starring at her from a deep corner of space.

“Why do you stare at me so, sombre moon?” asked the Sun.

“I’m overwhelmed by your beauty and you leave me speechless so I can only watch you from a distance, because if I touched you I would surely die of ecstasy.”
The Sun went closer to the moon and said, “You will not die if you touched me, come closer and kiss me.”

The Moon went to her and kissed her fiery lips that morning and the fire was so strong it left him glowing all day and into the night. And every morning she would kiss him again and he would rise up glowing so brightly he lit up and the light filled his whole being and the night sky was full of light.

Then one day the Sun came out and said he would not receive a kiss from her that morning because he was becoming too bright, and the people on earth would have two Suns instead of one and it would break the natural course of things. “But I will kiss you and love you as much as I can, just not every day.”

The Moon was sad to miss the morning kiss and in his sadness he began to grow cold and dark again. But he did not become black as the night as he once was. The hope and anticipation of being with the sun once more kept a few embers glowing leaving the moon to look as if he had put on a blue cloak.

And so is the legend of the blue moon.

Other superstitions include:

It’s a great idea to pick flowers and berries during a blue moon as it will bring more abundance, love and beauty into your life.

If you see a full moon and it is blue, take a coin in your pocket and turn it over for good luck.

There is an old English tradition that if you are a housewife and see a blue moon you are to go turn the bed because it will make you more fertile.

A Welsh tradition holds that if a member of the family dies during a blue moon, three more will follow.

In the gypsy culture, if you sleep with the moon on your face, particularly a blue moon, you may go insane, so blinds were drawn or windows closed during all full moon phases.

If you attempt a robbery on the third day of a blue moon it will fail. Best not to rob anything at all.

Among the metaphysical or spiritual community, particularly wiccans and pagans, a blue moon is a powerful moon. This is usually prime time for rituals for prophecy and protection. It’s also a good time to perform rituals to attract a new job, healings, love, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

So if you are looking to improve your luck or to finish a long-term goal, don’t worry about the ancient superstitions! Instead, focus on this full moon as a lucky one and the beginning of a great new journey for yourself.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: LIMITED OFFER - Tarot reading only £6!

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: LIMITED OFFER - Tarot reading only £6!: THIS OFFER ENDS 26TH JULY  2015 We're offering you a  20-minute telephone tarot reading   for just  £6 , saving you   60% off   Ask T...

LIMITED OFFER - Tarot reading only £6!


We're offering you a 20-minute telephone tarot reading for just £6, saving you 60% off Ask The Answer's price of £15.


  • Explore the unknown and with a 20-minute tarot reading.
  • Over the phone for your convenience!
  • Explore your past, present and future from the comfort of your own home.
  • Friendly, experienced psychic readers.
  • Phone lines open 24/7.
  • Consult your cards!

The Fine Print

  • One per person.
  • May buy multiples as gifts.
  • Voucher valid until 25th Oct 2015.
  • Must be aged 18 or over.
  • 20 minutes is redeemable against a Bronze reader. Alternatively, choose 15 minutes with a Silver reader or 10 minutes with a Gold reader.
  • Subject to availability.

Full Details

Whether you’re a sceptic or a believer, today’s starry deal is bound to tempt you into exploring the world of the unknown...

Want a different insight into your life? Whether you’re a firm believer in all things mystic or you simply fancy trying something new, the fantastic folk at Ask The Answer are on hand to help you delve into the unknown! With phone lines operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you can ring up for a personal tarot reading with one of their team's friendly and experienced readers whenever you like - so if this is your year to try new things and get a bit better acquainted with your past, present and future, why not start with today's deal

Friday, 17 July 2015

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Every little helps!

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Every little helps!: With summer approaching, spring clean yourself — both for you and others! Spring has truly sprung and it’s the perfect time to blast away t...

Phases and Cycles

We all at different phases and cycles in our lives where you reach a cross roads, where perhaps your path needs to branch off and experience a new, growth, progress, expansion, but this, which yes, is changes for the better, it can be unsettling, unnerving, surfacing different emotions, we can start to see the way head and perhaps doubt even our choices, then to sit on the fence and not really come to any decision , I feel this just needs time, time to get your feelers out there in your new chosen direction, do a little more research on the matter just to erase doubt 

.Being kind and nurturing to yourself having a gentle time with yourself while facing these crossroads, it can also be quite draining when we hold ourselves back again, with these shall I? Or shan’t I? Thoughts? Have some quite reflection time gaining some ground and learning about your ideas and plan your next move, this will still keep the energy's moving even by writing notes, talking it through , looking things up , can still keep us gently moving in your new direction rather than feeling stuck and making us feel we are in a rut. By keeping and feeling there is movement lightens and recharges us to then feel good about our decisions. Good luck.

Every little helps!

With summer approaching, spring clean yourself — both for you and others!
Spring has truly sprung and it’s the perfect time to blast away the cobwebs and well and spring clean yourself!

I think we all feel this when we take a walk out into the spring air and notice Mother Earth awakening the beautiful flowers that are bursting into life, and as we enjoy the bright and vibrant colour again. That’s how we all connect and become attune to the season changing, tapping into this uplifting energy. As we shed the winter blues and what we feel was stagnant old energy, spring ushers in a natural sense of things moving.

If you feel that you have kept up appearances over the past few months or just going with the flow then you may now notice a positive shift in the right direction, a sense of things moving on. It is the perfect energy to ride on both internally and externally. Perhaps you feel that you want a big clean in your home and garden? Emptying cupboards, filling up bags for the charity shops? It is all part of this shedding, releasing, healing that I feel spring brings. So go with it, and by simple de-cluttering and organising your external world, you may bring order to your inner self leaving you feeling lighter, uplifted, happier and looking forward to Summer!
We can all get bogged down, tired, drained and others around us could be affected by how we are feeling. If things are low and you are not feeling like your usual self, you would see how this could reflect on those close to you. How we feel causes a ripple effect; an expressed emotion is like throwing a stone into the water. You will see how far the ripple goes, reaching and Affecting those around you.

Use this amazing energy to improve your home, your environment and yourself as spring becomes summer. Our psychics can help you shed those old, stagnant and built up energies of the last few months to usher in change and movement to get you up and going in a positive direction. You could see the positive effects this will have on those around you, not just at home but even in the work place.

Give it a shot! After all, what do you have to lose?

Love & Light,


What are Lenormand Cards?

Lenormand I believe are actually a formalized deck rather than being random like Gypsy cards.  They usually a set of 36 card deck which have both a picture and playing card insert somewhere on each card, although the Mystical Lenormand put out by U.S. Games do not which is unusual.  If you wish to have a look at what this particular deck looks like here is a direct link to some of them -

In a way they are formalized gypsy cards usually with a playing card insert except Lenormand usually runs to a strict pattern below:

Whether or not the cards are good depends on what is in front of each other and behind it – they are usually read in groups of either two or three together.

I have an additional two Lenormand deck which besides having the above cards have some additional extras.  My second deck which I purchase direct from the artist Ciro Marchetti.  The playing card insert on these is very small and sits in the right hand corner of each card.  I only take note of the playing card on them when it is the Outcome Card to a particular question during a reading.  This deck is called Gilded Reverie Lenormand.  Website link if you wish to see a few is:
The additional cards in his deck are:  Dice, Clocks, Mask and Bridges.

My third deck again I purchased over the internet direct from the artist named Shades of Pink Lenormand deck coming from I believe Canada – Artist name is Lynn.  This is an unusually large deck as it has 4 ladies; 4 men; 2 raiders (one being a lady); 2 children – one boy one girl along with some extras that one would normally find in a Gypsy Card Deck.  Her extras are; YES, NO, CATS, PURSE, SEXUAL DESIRE, CLOCK.   Unfortunately Lynn has since decided to close shop and I am very fortune in getting a deck from her before this happened.

Gypsy Cards

Gypsy Cards are packs of cards which can vary in size anything from 16 to 52 instead of having 78 cards as in a tarot deck. Therefore they are very random in how big is the deck and which cards are in them. 

In 1940, Whiteman Publishers produced the Old Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards, a deck a 36 cards.  One of the big different between tarot and gypsy cards is that gypsy cards have no suits.  There is however, only suit represented with the King and Queen of Hearts.  This deck above was my very first Gypsy card deck and it came with a hand cover book.

In the past Gypsy families use to paint their own hand painted cards most likely with water colour paints or coloured pencils and each family had their own style or even different amount of cards to each deck.

My smallest deck is 16 cards only which came from Germany.  No book available with this.  My largest the Paintly Deck from a supplier in Sydney Australia this deck has 52 cards in it and it did come with a booklet with the meanings of each card.


For the purpose of this discussion we are considering looking at readings of either tarot, playing or gypsy cards.

There are minor differences in their method and there are certainly some major differences in on what is on the face of the cards.  However, only tarot can be used as an objective tool in the pursuit of self-analysis by meditating on the archetype of each of into the Majors.  Neither gypsy nor playing cards can provide you with that tool.
With tarot, the invaluable benefit of this kind of divination for self-awareness is that the cards never lie.  Of course, the fortune-telling image of card reading still exists, and some of us really do want to ‘know what our future holds.  As long as we don’t deny responsibility for our future choices by saying “the cards decided for me’, then card reading somehow, uncannily, seems to describe patterns of behaviour.  We are exactly what the cards say we are. 

Many people turn to the tarot for its archetypal and symbolic significance in their lives. 

All type of card reading allows you the chance to truly develop your own choices and journey in life and to bring greater awareness to your sense of purpose.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Is it difficult to say no?

We have all found ourselves in a difficult position where we just want to kick ourselves for ending up in yet another dilemma! Carolyn returns to offer you the guidance you may need.

It’s all too easy to feel like we’re never in our own space – be it in the home or work place. When our friends and family ask something of us – whatever the favour is – even if we’re feeling low and tired, we tend to reply ‘yes’ without even thinking. But if we’re always saying yes to everyone and everything, we can begin to feel that we’re running around putting others firsts and ourselves last. This creates resentment, and we can soon feel unhappy and drained.

I feel there’s a balance to be found here; naturally juggling giving and receiving by monitoring what is being asked of you and how often. There needs to be an exchange of energy, so that we can pick and choose when we say yes in a way that allows us to put ourselves first when we need to. If it’s not a good time for you – consider saying no. It’s natural to feel guilty but once we feel secure and confident, and respect our feelings, others will do the same. They’ll know that you’re still there for them – and will still offer to help – but when it’s right for you.

 It’s useful to remember this in any area where your good nature could be taken advantage of – especially in the workplace, where too much could be asked of you. So, become aware of your thoughts and feelings and the effect on you of what is asked of you. Adjust to giving and taking, and making healthy relationship changes.

Love & Light.
