Thursday, 28 May 2015


Transformation means many things to me and I am sure it will have its own meaning to you.
Ever experienced the internal battle, the to-ing and fro-ing between ideas, the stalling
in movement, the coming to a crossroad and not knowing which direction to take?
Well I feel during that internal chaos during the states of confusion and I am sure
after enduring a very draining time of indecisiveness a battle between head and heart, we reach our internal transformation, reaching that point of connecting with ourselves again, to gain a sense of clarity and perspective, where we can let go and release what is no longer working positively for us and more importantly, to trust the letting go to
then make room for the new .

It is all part and parcel to our transformation, but I also feel and relate to many transformations in my life not just the one. Any ending of a situation, whether this relates to a relationship ending or a job change still brings an ending to that experience moving from the old into the new still brings about a huge change but allowing closure and acceptance to what ever your situation is allows a healing to take place as well, what ever the situation, in the areas of home,family,partners,work we are faced with various different challenges which help us along our learning journey. During such times of change can naturally seem to allow ourselves to retract, to regather, to restore.But so much happens in that inward quietness time you give yourself .

We often don't think when we are stuck in a rut or stuck with no movement in a situation or issue, it can feel nothing is happening but it is spirit's way of taking us out of our own way!
To then bring after a time of stepping back and retracting a solution. I also feel it is important to celebrate these times of changes as it is a huge growth and life enhancing experiences not all transformations and rites of passage are linked with negative reasons but joyous ones as well to acknowledge how far you have come, and to recognise what you have achieved to embrace your choices and decisions 
Transformation I feel is a life long experience, but to be kind and gentle with yourself while going through your different chapters of your life ending and beginning will usher peace and to give yourself permission to feel how you feel during these different events will all be embraced as you go through and experience your many personal and
individual transformation. 

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