Thursday 2 April 2015

                                The importance of colour in our lives.

Colour surrounds our entire auric field, it changes constantly depending on our mood or where we are, it can cheer us up or pull us down so it is important as ever to keep ourselves in balance, to keep ourselves in fine fettle we can use the visualisation process by calling upon the chakra’s, chakra means wheel or energy centre and each one has a specific colour, we have red for the base chakra, Orange for the sacral chakra, yellow for the stomach area, pink for our heart and turquoise blue for the throat chakra, above this we have the third eye position which is indigo blue and finally our crown which is a magnificent violet colour.
If we feel a bit queasy then simply add yellow to the stomach area, do this in your mind as if you are topping up a tin of paint or spreading colour onto an artists palette, do the same with all the other energy centre areas to re-energise yourself instantly wherever you may be during the day, once you get the hang of it then it will become second nature to balance yourself.
Colour is important to where we live or work in the way that we decorate our rooms, it really is a reflection of the way that we feel and this is why beautiful clothes with good colours can uplift us to make us feel good, if we are fortunate enough to have a full wardrobe of colours then we can dress to suit our mood that particular day.
As mentioned above the aura can consist of a myriad of colours all infusing together to form beautiful shades, sometimes there are threads of silver or even gold running within the onion like shell of protection around us, each colour means something important and my readings will pick up on your colours at that particular moment in time to add even more substance to the reading.
Colours also resonate to different vibration levels, the highest being the violet of the crown (sahasrara) they represent the electrical field of the subtle system which is within us all and keeps us functioning.
If you would like me to do an appraisal of your aura and its colours then I will be happy to do that as part of your reading.
Thank you, Merlin

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