Monday, 29 June 2015

Letting Go

Sometimes we all need to be able to let go of things that bother us.  However it is sometimes delicate matters that upset us and we find ourselves going round and round mentally and emotionally struggling with a negative and repeated loop that sends us into emotional turmoil.

It disrupts our moods and affects our happiness, as we feel anxiety over and over turning into upset, fear and anger churn around.  Perhaps we wish that we had said "such and such" to this person and that we did not feel in control at the time causing us to feel intimidated or threatened by this incident that made us feel so uncomfortable.

We also probably feel we must now do something to put this matter to rest. Only to realise that if we do, the outcome could make the situation worse.  There is an exercise you can do to let go of unwanted thoughts that make us feel uncomfortable.

Imagine you are sitting on a chair with a glass wall divide in front of you. Make the scene pleasant in your surroundings. Beautiful countryside all around you as you sit on your chair.

Now see the person or the people that have caused this anxiety and bring them in to sit opposite you on the other side of the glass wall divide.

You now can say everything that you wish to say to them without risk of them reacting. They can not talk to you they can only listen. 

They are not able to intimidate you they remain still and expressionless as you continue to pour out everything that has bothered you.

When you have finished speaking you can ask them to leave and watch them meekly get up.

Imagine that the Universe has heard all of this. Let it go with Love for your self and for the new opportunities that will be given to you by giving this up to the Universe to take care of so you don't have to.

Allow yourself some time to breath and relax as you slowly let your self to come back into the here and the now. Knowing that this has been handed over to the Universe and that you took control by facing this situation and dealing with it.

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Looking and feeling good, for yourself or for othe...

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Looking and feeling good, for yourself or for othe...: I feel we all live in a very demanding time, which I feel affects all ages, especially in this current climate where saving and keeping our...

Looking and feeling good, for yourself or for others?

I feel we all live in a very demanding time, which I feel affects all ages, especially in this current climate where saving and keeping our money is priority to over spending, But we all love and need retail therapy buying ourselves or a loved one that little treat, and we get such a buzz when we buy something new makes us feel good, alive, in a way a little tonic if going through a difficult time.

When we do buy especially fashion, and focus on our appearance we can all too easily loose ourselves get carried away even, is for our benefit, or what we think others think, adding to the financial strain? This is a big topic to discuss as it uproots many emotions and feelings but once we detach a little and clear our boundary and think and feel in our own space , you can focus on what you would like and allow to be yourself with out the added pressure from others .

It also pulls our energy in when we start to prioritise ourselves and not worry what others think, and to display your personality, your individuality, and be proud to be the wonderful you! Now this doesn't just relate to cloths and new outfits, but anything for you, even home and garden treating yourself to that little treat which makes you feel good in your environment, without the guilt!

Another emotion dropping into the hat, perhaps you have energy's around you that makes you feel guilty? When out and about shopping, perhaps you’re a parent and instantly feel the family comes first, which yes, is naturally how things are, but so is your happiness and all can benefit.
This similar topic has been discussed on the show where looking good and feeling good is fantastic if it is for you, rather than pleasing others and not being happy, if your actions and choices are dictated by those around you, then we loose ourselves and not feel in control and enjoying your life.

So, stop and think for awhile, what have you done for yourself lately? Are you being allowed to get that new outfit you had your eye on or that fabulous new handbag? Or for the gents, enjoying their past times? Is how you look the way you would like to look? Or is someone moulding you to how they see is best? That's just when we need a little space, clear boundaries, and to feel confident in your own energy and do what you feel is for the best. Pleasing you, rather than pleasing others and keeping others happy, keep your identity. To then feel uplifted, happy and centered, ready for what your day brings.

Love & Light.


Friday, 19 June 2015

Stuck between a job and a relationship?

Are you on the cusp of an exciting new career or the brink of a new direction? Has an exciting opportunity presented itself – and left you feeling as though you can’t step forward? Something so wonderful can still feel daunting, and make you feel as though you’re being taken out of your comfort zone. This can even lead to you to feel pressured and doubting of yourself. Many mixed emotions can be stirred by the prospect of a job change or career enhancement – perhaps we try to prevent ourselves from moving on because we prefer the security of our old ways. Sometimes we may even worry that an exciting new beginning could spark a ripple effect through our family lives and relationships, causing tension and threatening the connection between ourselves and our loved ones.

There’s no doubt that new beginnings can throw up all sorts of complicated emotions; but it is also a test of the support around you among your family, friends or partner. It’s important to try and take these sorts of changes in your stride. You can take those around you with you, so that everyone gains and no one feels left behind. Success can improve things for all concerned; uplifting life for everyone around you. It even gives you the opportunity to involve those around you in your decision making, so that they feel as much an important part of your life as ever. It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in our routine and work life, without realising that all that concentration on success may mean we’ve been shutting our loved ones out and isolating ourselves.

By keeping open, clear communication and involving others around you in your new beginnings, a new start can benefit all. There’s no need to feel torn between a relationship and an exciting job opportunity – instead, strive for a healthy balance and share your new experiences. If you’re a parent, your children could share and be a part of the exciting new journey your work path may be taking, leaving you feeling whole and supported, excited about your new prospects and confident.

If faced with important decisions, always trust their timing – nothing is brought to us without reason, so trust that everything will fall into its right and perfect place.

Reflect on your options, choices and circumstances – once everything falls into place, things will take off. It doesn’t need to be a dug of war between your job and your relationships if you are able to prioritise everything in your life as important. It’s all about balance.

Love & Light,


Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Ask The Traffic Lights

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Ask The Traffic Lights: This is a very simple idea for decision making which I believe you will find both interesting and entertaining. As it is a mental visualiza...

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: ON A SOUL LEVEL WE ARE ALL EQUAL

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: ON A SOUL LEVEL WE ARE ALL EQUAL:  “As you climb your mountain, remember you have just been the person behind you.  So, remember, we are all on our individual journey.” ...


 “As you climb your mountain, remember you have just been the person behind you.  So, remember, we are all on our individual journey.”

The more we become aware of who we are on a deeper and perhaps more profound level of awareness, the less relevance others opinions matter. Our soul’s evolution becomes one of truth and understanding.  Why would others opinions really matter?  Are we using others opinions as a yard stick for our own spiritual growth?  In my experience, being influenced by others has certainly become a thing of the past.  There are no levels.  It could be argued in biblical terms that “my father’s house has many mansions” is an acknowledgement of these divisions. But do we create these divisions by not connecting to the truth and light of our soul?   How do we as humans see these different levels of existence?  Are they upper, middle or lower or set on a scale of frequencies?   Is the vibration of energy or matter simultaneously creating situations in order for our own soul growth?  Are our experiences so unique that another’s energy pattern is only serving to highlight our own need for yet, more spiritual learning?  Do we think we are climbing an ascension ladder and anyone who stands in our way we’ll use as a stepping stone, to get to where we consider we want to be?  Or, is this our ego acting out yet another scenario which is showing us that we are no more evolved than the next person?

When I was a child, we had many jigsaw puzzles but the one which was my favourite was called “The Post Office”.  I loved this jigsaw.  It had familiar, friendly faces of people queuing and chatting. However, the most appealing thing about it was that it didn’t actually have any sky, filling in the sky on a jigsaw always felt extremely difficult.  In my eyes, one piece of the sky looked completely identical to the next.  I felt that it was an impossible task to complete and one which would be difficult to complete alone.   Each piece of the jigsaw was completely individual.  Yet each tiny piece of the sky appeared to look the same.  In reality, each piece had to be different, in order to make up the whole.  Each interlocking section undoubtedly had its own merit, which I refused to see because the challenge of identifying these slight differences was definitely something I didn’t want to comprehend, let alone engage with.

Many of us have had the experience of feeling of “I know this already,” and as a result, we often make assumptions.  Assumptions I have found, are generally unhealthy.   We can easily get frustrated by others lack of understanding of a situation, which appears to us to be quite obvious. It is easy for us to fall into an assumption about somebody, rather to go to the effort of finding out the truth. Although, people and situations often appear the same, they are often, most definitely not. Something only becomes obvious to us when it becomes our experience, or truth. We may have developed knowledge from being privileged enough to receive that experience.  However, we often don’t view it as a privilege, because some of those experiences may have caused us pain.  On reflection, and with hindsight, we often feel that even if the experience was negative, we have gained the wisdom of learning how to deal with the situation.  We can then offer the benefit of these experiences to others.  They become our pointers or inner directions that we can share, when we talk about lessons learnt!  We are here to learn and it is ultimately our choice whether we chose to punish ourselves in the learning process or see each and every lesson as a gift!


Ask The Traffic Lights

This is a very simple idea for decision making which I believe you will find both interesting and entertaining. As it is a mental visualization, it will also help you nourish your 'third eye' chakra and hone your intuitive skills.
That can only be advantageous!

Close your eyes and don't go to sleep! Picture traffic lights in your mind's eye.  Red, amber and green, whatever order you prefer to see them in.
These three lights are all 'off'. You can see the faint red, orange and green but they are all equal. Nothing is standing out.

Now all you have to do is simply address your 'question' to the Traffic Lights. Relax and ask your question (silently or out loud) - seeing the lights in front of you all the time in your mind's eye.

The lights are ahead of you. One of those lights is going to become a little stronger (or very much stronger). As you relax (remember you're waiting at the lights so there's no need to feel anxious or rushed) just let that light shine for you. One of those colours is going to be brighter and say 'look at me'.

If you see RED - stop, your decision or idea is probably not going to work, or at least not at this time.

If you see AMBER - more consideration is needed, don't dash in quite yet. The situation or decision will become clearer with more information or insight.

If you see GREEN - Go for it!  And don't delay or the motorists behind you will start honking their horns.

If nothing lightens up at all don't worry. Drive around the block and try again later. Like anything, practice makes perfect.

Safe driving!

Verity x

Natural Councillor.

We all go through many difficult situations and challenges in life I feel there is no size or level of importance to your challenge as any issue big or small to you, is important, whether it is a personal issue or otherwise we all need to vent.

During a hair cut appointment my awareness was suddenly drawn to a client sat in the chair, all ready in the middle of her appointment, and in the middle of a deep conversation. I noticed how caring, open, and sincere the hairdresser was and more importantly, what stood out the most was she listened.
Ok, the hairdresser didn't have a great deal in her in-put or take on things, but the affect of her simply listening was remarkable, and of course the client was able to pour her troubles as she poured her tea.

Leaving the salon with quite a spring in her step, and leaving what she chose to share behind, how we take this simple act for granted? I am sure if we really think about it , whether it is a hairdresser, shop assistant , members of the community as well as friends it's amazing how we find our natural councillor’s where we can enjoy a good vent and most importantly to be listened to by a friendly ear .
We find so many amazing individuals who have a natural ability of healing energy , and we can pick up on this like a moth to a flame, therefore tapping into this healing vibration and leaving the person uplifted and recharged .

This is very helpful when monitoring who we have around us and who we are connected to, to see who uplifts us and who pulls us down.

I always find no matter what situations crop up, there is always the right, positive person who is there and says just the right thing, just the right dose of advice that you need. So, sometimes it helps to remember that just when we feel others are too busy with their own lives, or we may not want to burden our friends or family we are guided to these wonderful natural councillors that are there in our every day lives, just when we need it the most.

Love & Light.


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Always feel like you have blocks in your life?

Have you shed those winter blues yet? Have you crawled out of your cave and taken a deep breath of the beautifully fresh spring air? It can be difficult to shed our winter coat in order to put our best foot forward sometimes; we can all too easily feel sluggish and find that everything is too much of an effort. Perhaps even the thought of shedding the old, stagnant and negative, and embarking on the new, is daunting. Sometimes, even embracing positive changes can feel tiring and daunting – perhaps you’re even feeling that it would be easier to stay where you are. I’m telling you, it’s NOT!

Blocks can occur in any areas of our lives: work, career, relationships, family. I feel it stems from our true inner selves. If we are feeling disconnected and unhappy in our emotional self or feel that we are lacking in something, then that could ripple into other areas of our lives causing us to feel as though we are blocked, slowed and restricted from moving on. By taking a step back, by getting out of your own way, giving yourself room to think and a chance to ponder your next move, you can take stock of where you are and get back to the roots of your own thoughts and feelings. You need to know what is sitting in your way and stopping you from taking positive steps forward – my fellow psychics and I are here to help you achieve this.

I feel that we often try and put things in our own way to keep things as they are – because even positive change and growth can be scary. Sometimes we fear moving forward and moving on. But why not use this amazing season to reawaken ourselves – you can start by prioritising you. Ask yourself what you’d like to change and start with baby steps; take reflective time to choose one thing to work on and work on it one step at a time. I like to refer to this as dealing with things in ‘bite-size’ amounts – it means we don’t feel overwhelmed, and by breaking things down into manageable pieces we can bring change and remove blocks at our own pace.

Love & Light,



It may feel that quite often we are faced with challenges and problems, whether they be money worries, relationship issues, health concerns, etc.  The reality is that problems only take up a portion of our daily lives, but many of us get too caught up in the challenges that we face that we forget to notice the wonderful little things that happen to us each day!

How many times do you take time to stop and notice that beautiful sunset in the sky?  How often do you take time to smile at the wonderful people in your life who bring you love and comfort during the challenging times? 

Gratitude is a wonderful practise to introduce into your daily routine.  Taking time to appreciate and be thankful for the small things in your life opens the doorway for more wonderful experiences to come to you.  As well as that it also reminds you that life isn’t all about the challenges and problems, there are so many beautiful things in your life right now!  It is up to you to take the time to open your eyes to them!
Wishing you all well

Rosemarie x

Friday, 12 June 2015

Journey Into The Past

Journey Into The Past

I took a journey in to the past, just as Dr Who can do in his tardis. I set the time to when I first experienced fear. I did not expect to see myself hovering above my mother during her time of miscarrying me. The story is as follows - 

As I close my eyes and relax in to my awareness of existence, I ask to revisit the time that my fear first existed. The images come very quickly from my mind as I travel back to beyond what I consciously remember. I suddenly stop at an experience that suddenly felt very incredibly emotionally aligned. I saw myself as a baby hovering above my mother as she lay on a hospital bed pregnant yet losing much blood to miscarry. I am travelling in light body to and fro above watching her predisposition when I suddenly feel her tremendous fear and desperation. Her emotional vibration reached me at such a depth that I stopped hovering and with full determination and knowingness I zoomed back toward the womb sure that I was going to make it as I had a mission to complete here on earth and the first one was to experience trauma and fear to be able to heal it. The moment of clarity from hovering above her to feeling that cry for help pulled me so much toward the need to fight and be born that the confirmation of my existence after so much blood loss was quite a shock to the doctors as they were convinced, including my mother, that I had miscarried along with my twin at 5 months pregnant.

I can now say without doubt that from pre birth to what I do now it is very clear that my purpose is to heal emotionally and spiritually and I am incredibly grateful for having the opportunity to travel back and relive the moment that impacted where I am now.

I wanted to share this very personal experience not only to inspire but to give more faith in that no matter how much information is pumped in to the world and shared each day that is much from a superficial level, you exist at a much greater powerful level than you can possibly fathom. Many of you have depression and fear based beliefs from your life paths and the load you carry from your familial journeys but it is important that you know this can all be changed at a cellular level. Much of what you have today is by influence and genetics. Where are you? That is why I now use what I am given and can intuitively channel to connect to find the ‘you’ in you. You were not sick, deprived, destructive or neglected before you came in to this world. It is not the world that has put you in this state. It is the holding on of all that is not yours. You do not make an agreement to carry another's emotions, you make an agreement to learn from them and increase compassion to raise Earths vibration and the existence of human kind.

To describe myself in light body knowing my mission right there has fully validated for me that as souls we all choose our purpose and path here. Before this experience I would have fully doubted such and put much down to influence and learnt patterns of being yet even now these patterns can be broken with the power of delving back to your agreement before you reached the womb. In my case I was already developing and this experience of near death threw me in to the awareness of how much emotion has a lot to do with whether we survive or we leave the physical. Emotion has to want it so much to make it happen.


How to find yourself, love yourself and be yourself - Book Giveway

This weekend Ask The Answer  is giving  away 5 copies of the  possibly life changing book, How to find yourself, love yourself and be yourself by Stephen Lovegrove.

 So why this book?

Let’s start with some reviews of those who have read the book.

 “ This book has helped me understand why I have had 3 bad relationships. It made me and guided me through the process of healing and discovery” -. Patricia

 “Phenomenal and jam-packed with powerful insight”  -  Marshall

“This book left me with chills feeling so incredibly loved, validated and inspired” – Melissa

“You will leave this experience with a more friendly and accessible approach to many very transformative personal development concepts “ - Brian.

“I admire any writer that is able to become completely vulnerable in order to offer his public the best reading experience and message. A must-read!” – Roxanna

(See reviews in full at

Do you often feel you are not living the life you imagined you should be?  Are you currently dissatisfied with your lot in life and ask why me?

The book is packed with in-depth personal reflection questions that so many of us  will relate to from first dates and first loves to uncovering the effective ways  to increase you self extreme . People you know, have loved, or simply friends with can also reveal so much about you, you will be surprised how accurate his findings are.

 Learn how to master your feelings and not be a victim to them. This book is written with incredible honesty.  Discover the two things you do that are causing you to miss the opportunities you need from life . So are you ready do the work to find yourself, love yourself, & be yourself, if you don’t then you have no reason to be  dissatisfied with what you have got.

 An unmissable read!

All callers who have a psychic or tarot reading at  will be entered into the draw.  Closing date for entry is 8am Monday 15th June  Winners will be announced on Tuesday 16th June. (This applies to credit callers only)

Monday, 8 June 2015

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Bridget Bishop - The First Witch Hanging

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: Bridget Bishop - The First Witch Hanging: 10 th June 1692 – The First Witch Hanging   Bridget B...

Bridget Bishop - The First Witch Hanging

10th June 1692 – The First Witch Hanging

Bridget Bishop

Three hundred and twenty three years ago, Bridget Bishop of Salem was the first ever to be condemned to death as a witch and hung on 10th June. Bridget who was reported as being a soul of dubious morals, dressed in a flamboyant way and known for wearing a scarlet bodice.  Along with her late comings and goings and known to visit taverns on a regular basis, plus married 3 times. would this make you a witch in current day, very unlikely. 

However despite her protests of innocence, she was found guilty and hanged on a Tuesday at Gallows Hill. 

Bridget’s maiden name was Playfer or Playford and her first husband was Samuel Wasselbe.  She was then accused of the death by witchcraft of her second husband Thomas Oliver. However, there is a potential reason for this, her second husband's children wanted property that she had possession of as an inheritance from Oliver. Her third husband, third husband Edward Bishop, whose son, also Edward Bishop, and his wife, Sarah Bishop, were also arrested for witchcraft. 

So was she just an easy target for her non conformists ways in a Puritan society that valued harmony and obedience?

During the trial she protested her innocence with much angst saying “I am innocent to a Witch. I know not what a Witch is." A magistrate responded, "How can you know, you are no Witch ... [and] yet not know what a Witch is?"

Her husband testified first that he'd heard her accused before of witchcraft, and then that she was a witch. A further damming statement was made by workers on her cellar who said they had found ‘poppits’ in the walls i.e. dolls with pins them.  Also several men testified they had been visited by her in spectral form in bed at night. Was this simply wishful thinking or ensuring she was shut up to save their own integrity, who knows!  

Thirteen more women and five men from all stations of life followed her to the gallows, and one man, Giles Corey, was executed by crushing. Most of those tried were condemned on the basis of the witnesses’ behavior during the actual proceedings, characterized by fits and hallucinations that were argued to have been caused by the defendants on trial. In October 1692, Governor William Phipps of Massachusetts ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer dissolved and replaced with the Superior Court of Judicature, which forbade the type of sensational testimony allowed in the earlier trials. Executions ceased, and the Superior Court eventually released all those awaiting trial and pardoned those sentenced to death. The Salem witch trials, which resulted in the executions of 19 innocent women and men, had effectively ended.

One contemporary writer and a Governor summarized the results of the trials:

“And now Nineteen persons having been hang'd, and one prest to death, and Eight more condemned, in all Twenty and Eight, of which above a third part were Members of some of the Churches of N. England, and more than half of them of a good Conversation in general, and not one clear'd; about Fifty having confest themselves to be Witches, of which not one Executed; above an Hundred and Fifty in Prison, and Two Hundred more accused; the Special Commision of Oyer and Terminer comes to a period."

"Four other accused and an infant child died in prison. When I put an end to the Court there ware at least fifty persons in prision (sic) in great misery by reason of the extream cold and their poverty, most of them having only spectre evidence against them and their mittimusses being defective, I caused some of them to be lettout upon bayle and put the Judges upon consideration of a way to reliefe others and to prevent them from perishing in prision, (sic) upon which some of them were convinced and acknowledged that their former proceedings were too violent and not grounded upon a right foundation ... The stop put to the first method of proceedings hath dissipated the blak cloud that threatened this Province with destruccion".
—Governor William Phips, February 21st, 1693[

The era is one of the nation's most notorious cases of mass hysteria, and has been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolationism, religious extremism, false accusations and lapses in due process. Sadly, it still ring true today in certain sectors. 

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: What Is Love?

Ask The Answer Community Blog Spot: What Is Love?: WHAT IS ….. LOVE? Hi, my name is Charnjit and I have been working in this field for a number of years; learning, growing and developing...

What Is Love?


Hi, my name is Charnjit and I have been working in this field for a number of years; learning, growing and developing; initially for my own development; then progressively in response to what clients have wanted.

The "journey" began in 2005 transforming the end of a 13 year relationship with the man I married into the beginning of a personal and spiritual quest.  Its route so far has been via numerology; spiritual healing; reiki; angels; all sorts of divination cards; cartomancy; stitchomancy;  tarot; runes; crystals; colours; chakras; astrology; animal guides; spirit guides; ancestral guides, development circles and workshops; shamanism; paganism; Buddhism; spiritualism; moon cycles; meditation; massage; past life and karmic relationships; soul contracts;  all the "clairs"; astral travelling. That's the journey so far :-)

I'm still travelling.

I'm still here. 

I start each day with meditation and give thanks, amongst other things,  for this life - for it really is a beautiful and blessed gift, the gift of life.

I end each day with prayer and gratitude, giving thanks for all the wonderful people and things in my life today. 

EVERY person I encounter in my life each day is given thanks for they are my best teachers and we are all interconnected.

To love you is to love me.  We need to know how to love ourselves before we can love another, which is what it's all about.

I have what I call an internal jukebox.  Songs just pop into my head.  So one day I'm hearing "Love is in the air... " So I you tube it... search for "Love is in the air Barry Manilow" only to find it's by John Paul Young.  All this time I thought it was by Barry Manilow. Where is this going you may ask? Just that in the blink of an eye, things change, simply by what we see, hear and feel in that moment.

It was a simple and yet profound moment which led me to question (which I often do) well what really matters then, we can study for a lifetime or lifetimes, we can have experience upon experience, but what really matters then if it's continually changing? It is said that change is the only constant, but surely there must be some constant.... I have been going round and round with this one for some time and every time it comes back to the same answer... LOVE...  true love though... not physical, material, emotional... none of those... for they all have duality... and impermanence... quick fixes....  they all come with conditions and attachments.  but true love... to give from the heart without any attachment, without judgement, without expectation... to be kind, to be compassionate, be forgiving, because we are all one.  It's a challenge to say the least.  But to me, that is what love is.... and that's what I aspire to... to be kind, compassionate, forgiving, accepting and loving to myself and others (which in itself is a paradox, because there is no myself and others... we are all one).

Wishing you much love, light and happiness,

I shall leave you with some links and quotes, enjoy! 

C xx


Sigma feat. Labrinth - Higher

Howard Jones - What is Love?

Wet Wet Wet - Love is All Around

John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air (1978)

Blue - One Love

Bob Marley - One love

Beatles - All you need is love



"To love, is to recognise yourself in another" Eckhart Tolle

"Love is a state of being, your love is not outside, it is deep within in you.  You can never lose it and it cannot leave you"
Eckhart Tolle

"I love because my love is not dependent on the object of love. My love is dependent on my state of being. So whether the other
person changes, becomes different, friend turns into foe, does not matter, because my love was never dependent on the other
person. My love is my state of being.  I simply love" OSHO

"If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation" OSHO

"The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be" Dalai Lama

Friday, 5 June 2015

Colour Therapy


We are swamped with colour from the moment we are born.  Colour is an aspect of everything we eat, drink, touch and are surrounded by.  We use colours to describe our physical health, attitudes, emotions and even our spiritual or psychic experiences.  Colour is an intimate part of our being, even though most of the time we take it for granted.

However, it is impossible to be indifferent to colour.  It affects every home environment, as well as those of factories, offices, schools and hospitals.  Even the colours of your clothes reflect your personality and influence your mood, assuming that you are not restricted to wearing a particular uniform during working hours. 

From light come all the colours, each as you will see with its own impact upon our systems.

Many of our healing needs can be met by the use of colour to bring about harmony and balance within the psyche and the body.  The invisible vibrations of colour can either relax or stimulate us according to which colour is used.  Apparently studies have shown that even blind people can develop a sense of colour, by allowing their fingers to pick up the vibrational energy of different colours.

Colour therapy is when colour is used in healing treatments.  In this method all the colours of the crystal spectrum are utilized.  They are marginally different to the colours of the chakras due to the fact the colour therapy uses eight colours and not the seven colours of the rainbow.  The colours used in colour therapy are as follows:  red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo, violet and magenta being the eighth colour.

Every colour is believed to vibrate with its own energy and to have specific effects on individuals.  When colour is absorbed through the eyes and the skin, it has the power to heal imbalances in the body – physically, mentally and emotionally.  All the cells in the body also have a frequency that resonates strongly and positively when we are healthy; when we are unhealthy this frequency becomes distorted.

A colour therapist will choose a colour that vibrates at a frequency that will bring about healing and restore your diseased cells to balance.  The therapist’s skill is needed to administer the correct colour and quantities, as each colour has both positive and negative attributes.

Clinical research into colour therapy has shown that it can help treat disease.  For example, it has been proven that red will raise blood pressure whilst blue will lower it.  In the 1970s and 1980s it was shown that coloured light triggers biochemical reactions in the body.  Later research confirmed that blues and greens have a soothing effect and help lower stress.  Warm colours such as orange and red have been shown to have a stimulating effect.  Pink has been shown to have a relaxing effect in the short term, although in the longer term it can trigger irritability.

Healing with colour has a long tradition, dating back to ancient times.  The Pythagoreans believed that white light, the Spirit Head contains all sound and colour and that the seven colours of the spectrum correspond to the seven planets and the eight notes of musical scale (both the first and the eight notes are a form of red). 

In 1st century Rome, the physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus wrote about the therapeutic use of colour but with the coming of Christianity such ancient wisdom came to be associated with pagan beliefs and was disallowed by the Church.

In the 9th century the Arab physician Avicenna systematized the teachings of Hippocrates.  He wrote about colour as a symptom of disease and also as a treatment, suggested for example, that red would act as a stimulant on blood flow whilst yellow could reduce pain and inflammation.  However, by the 18th century philosophers and scientists were more concerned with the material world, and insisted on visible proof of scientific theories.

Despite the fact that colour healing has been in use for centuries, it was not until the late 19th century that it began to receive attention in the Western World.    In 1878 Edwain Babbitt published The Principles of Light and Colour, reaffirming the Pythagorean corresponces of music, colour and sound.

In the 1930s Dinshah Ghadiali proposed that imbalances are created by too much or too little of particular colours, and that balance can be restored with the use of coloured lights.

Today modern colour therapy or healing uses several techniques, which involve the use of coloured lamps as well as coloured foods, and drinks in coloured containers. 

Many colour therapists also work with the aura and its seven main energy centres, the chakras.  If that colour therapist is also blessed with physic abilities they are often able to see deficiencies in the aura’s colours.  Since the chakras are all linked to a specific colour, when someone is unwell – either emotionally or physically – this will show in the colour of the affected chakra.

How the Colour Therapist does Treatment
On your first visit a colour therapist will take details of your medical history and any current health problems.  For diagnosis, therapists may use several different methods.  They can use the Luscher Test, Kinesiology, Dowsing or a Colour Diagnostic Chart.

Different Treatment Methods

Luscher Test
This entails being the patient being shown eight coloured cards and then they are asked to choose three that appeal to them.  These colours relate to the patient’s emotional, mental and physical health and may reveal imbalances that need to be corrected.

Kinesiology involves muscle-testing techniques to identify any bodily weakness.  To find out which colour is needed, a therapist will normally ask the patient to hold up each colour in their left hand, while holding their right arm horizontally across their body.  As the patient look at each colour, the therapist will gently push the right arm.  When no resistance is felt in that arm, it means that the patient needs the colour they are holding.

Dowsing is a technique to assist in diagnosing any colours that the patient is lacking.  A pendulum hanging from either a cord or chain is used ad normally swings clockwise or counterclockwise in response to each question ask with a “yes or no” response. The therapist works through the eight spectrum colours searching for a “yes” response to show the colour required for this patient.

Colour Diagnostic Chart
This is a method based on the 32 vertebrae of the spine.  The spine is divided into four sections, each containing eight vertebrae, relating to one of the colours of the spectrum.  From the trop of the spine downward, the first eight vertebrae make up mental health, the second eight emotional wellbeing, the third eight metabolism and the last eight to physical health.  When therapists use this system, they ask the patient to sign the back of the chart along the spine.  The patient’s signature contains their vibration and acts as a “witness” (showing the patient’s energy or lack of thereof).  The therapist then dowses down the spine to see which vertebrae need attention.

Lets Take a Look at which colour does what.

Reds - Blood pressure, respiration, and muscle tension all increase on initial exposure to red.  This jazzy hue also boosts spirits and stimulates creativity, conversation, and the appetite (which is why it is used in many restaurants). Red is also a popular color in casinos—people are more likely to gamble in a red environment than in, say, a blue one. Rooms with a lot of red feel warmer, heavier, and time seems to pass more slowly in them. Red may increase passion, but also aggression, anger, and restlessness.  In clothing red conveys energy, power, and leadership, but can also signal romance and sensuality, depending on the garment.
An interesting note: when you have two objects of identical shape and weight, one red and one blue, most people will think the red one is heavier.  (Might be one reason to rethink that red wardrobe!   On the other hand, red accents could perk up your image.)
 Orange - the colour of self-reliance and practical knowledge.  Its role is of the assimilator in your intestines. Orange is also the good of genial optimistic, tolerance, benign, warm-hearted.  It is friendship, the life and soul of the party.  It breaks down barriers.  Orange can eradicate.  It brings up the energy of the past evens that needs to be assimilated.  Orange’s strength is subtle not loud like red but it stimulates gently.  This is also the colour of courage.
Yellows -Vibrant yellow, bright and easily visible, is a great color to wear on dull, dark, or rainy days to add a little sunshine to your life.  (It's also a good color to wear after dark if you're walking along busy streets.)  The color projects love, light, warmth, and wealth, enhances communication, learning, mood, and energy level.
 Generally, yellow combats gloom and fatigue.  It opens up or brightens rooms, and pale tones are good choices for classrooms; warm tones are good for play areas and living rooms.  It's the most visible choice of background color for signs (with black lettering). People who wear yellow are perceived as sunny, intelligent, warm, and compatible.  So wear gold (also in jewelry) or yellow when you're asking for a raise.
Greens are the color of American dollars, but also the idea of balance, harmony, and control, green exudes prosperity and well-being.  It increases the ability to concentrate, while reducing muscular tension and stress.  Refreshing and restorative, green is an ideal room color for sedentary or monotonous tasks—a good color for learning and doing.  Rooms feel cooler and fresher.
Turquoise and light green are good choices for kitchens, since they make room temperatures feel cooler and time and tasks seem to pass more quickly.  Wear green to give the impression that you feel in control.  It's a good color to wear if you're trying to keep the peace, mediate, or generate team spirit.

Blue hues lower blood pressure, respiration, and pulse and convey a sense of peace, serenity, and tranquility.  Blue objects tend to feel lighter than they are.  A pale blue bedroom creates a light, airy atmosphere and is likely to create a peaceful, restful environment that helps lull you to sleep.  Rooms feel cooler, and time passes more quickly.  Blue is also a good formal color for living rooms.  However, choose the hue wisely, because it can also be depressing in bathrooms or dining areas, making people's complexions look gray.  Wear blue to inspire trust and loyalty, encourage communication, and convey a sense that you belong.