Wednesday 17 June 2015

Natural Councillor.

We all go through many difficult situations and challenges in life I feel there is no size or level of importance to your challenge as any issue big or small to you, is important, whether it is a personal issue or otherwise we all need to vent.

During a hair cut appointment my awareness was suddenly drawn to a client sat in the chair, all ready in the middle of her appointment, and in the middle of a deep conversation. I noticed how caring, open, and sincere the hairdresser was and more importantly, what stood out the most was she listened.
Ok, the hairdresser didn't have a great deal in her in-put or take on things, but the affect of her simply listening was remarkable, and of course the client was able to pour her troubles as she poured her tea.

Leaving the salon with quite a spring in her step, and leaving what she chose to share behind, how we take this simple act for granted? I am sure if we really think about it , whether it is a hairdresser, shop assistant , members of the community as well as friends it's amazing how we find our natural councillor’s where we can enjoy a good vent and most importantly to be listened to by a friendly ear .
We find so many amazing individuals who have a natural ability of healing energy , and we can pick up on this like a moth to a flame, therefore tapping into this healing vibration and leaving the person uplifted and recharged .

This is very helpful when monitoring who we have around us and who we are connected to, to see who uplifts us and who pulls us down.

I always find no matter what situations crop up, there is always the right, positive person who is there and says just the right thing, just the right dose of advice that you need. So, sometimes it helps to remember that just when we feel others are too busy with their own lives, or we may not want to burden our friends or family we are guided to these wonderful natural councillors that are there in our every day lives, just when we need it the most.

Love & Light.


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