Friday 12 June 2015

How to find yourself, love yourself and be yourself - Book Giveway

This weekend Ask The Answer  is giving  away 5 copies of the  possibly life changing book, How to find yourself, love yourself and be yourself by Stephen Lovegrove.

 So why this book?

Let’s start with some reviews of those who have read the book.

 “ This book has helped me understand why I have had 3 bad relationships. It made me and guided me through the process of healing and discovery” -. Patricia

 “Phenomenal and jam-packed with powerful insight”  -  Marshall

“This book left me with chills feeling so incredibly loved, validated and inspired” – Melissa

“You will leave this experience with a more friendly and accessible approach to many very transformative personal development concepts “ - Brian.

“I admire any writer that is able to become completely vulnerable in order to offer his public the best reading experience and message. A must-read!” – Roxanna

(See reviews in full at

Do you often feel you are not living the life you imagined you should be?  Are you currently dissatisfied with your lot in life and ask why me?

The book is packed with in-depth personal reflection questions that so many of us  will relate to from first dates and first loves to uncovering the effective ways  to increase you self extreme . People you know, have loved, or simply friends with can also reveal so much about you, you will be surprised how accurate his findings are.

 Learn how to master your feelings and not be a victim to them. This book is written with incredible honesty.  Discover the two things you do that are causing you to miss the opportunities you need from life . So are you ready do the work to find yourself, love yourself, & be yourself, if you don’t then you have no reason to be  dissatisfied with what you have got.

 An unmissable read!

All callers who have a psychic or tarot reading at  will be entered into the draw.  Closing date for entry is 8am Monday 15th June  Winners will be announced on Tuesday 16th June. (This applies to credit callers only)

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